Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Much Needed Update

I have not been a very loyal poster in 2009. I hope that will improve for the New Year. Our holidays were filled with lots of crazy events and non-stop going. But it has been great. Elley bug has really grown up and is finally walking. Unfortunately we are starting the year with a cold and new teeth. It has been a bit miserable for a few days. Our good ole doc says within a few days she will feel better. Santa brought Elley more then enough toys and goodies. She wasn't really sure what to think of the whole Christmas morning but I think when all of the excitement settled down she really enjoyed it. We were joined by all of our family at the cemetery on Christmas Eve to give our Christmas wishes to our Dalton this year. We lite his tree and everyone lite a candle. It really looked beautiful and it stayed that way all night and through Christmas Day. I have such a great feeling of peace at that cemetery. I don't feel sad or lonely but happy and okay with the whole situation that he is buried there. I feel blessed that we are able to do special things for him and take Elley to see him. I also feel blessed that many other great people are buried there, it is like a family watching us. We can feel the warmth of there spirits there. I tell Kendal I wish I could build a house by it so I could be closer (in a sense closer the Dalton). I hope your holidays were as great as ours and I also hope the New Year brings greatness to all of us. I think it is time for a great year the world deserves it.

A Much Needed Update.